New York Times
– “Kay Poursine’s performance… was a reminder that in art, talent can leap over national boundaries…poigant…she at all times upheld the dignity of great art.” – Jack Anderson
The Hindu
“She proved by the quality of her dance that she enjoyed being taken back to the beauty of the past, at a time when Bharata Natyam is often banalized in the name of updating it… remarkably dignified…with the ‘Bala stamp’…she stuck to essence and excellence…”
The Hindu
[At her US residencies Balasaraswati took Kay deep into the art.] That was evident as she performed pieces to showcase the power of her artistic roots. Through her fluid facial expressions and moves, Kay brought out the clarity and complexity, the contrast and connection of [this] style. – Chitra Swaminathan
Udit Vani, Delhi
“…thrilling… the embodiment of prosodial rhythm…”
Milapfest’s DanceYATRA, Liverpool/Machester, England
“Internationally acclaimed artist, Kay Poursine will captivate you!“
The Eenadu, Chennai
“With tender expression and excellent style, Kay’s dance will live forever in the hearts of the connoisseurs.”
Dancer Magazine
“…she passes on the tradition of a great dance form and the legacy of Balasaraswati’s teachings each time she steps in a dance studio and lecture hall. On stage, Poursine continues to captivate audeinces with her gift…” – Jasmine Rios
The Dinamalar
Miss Poursine paid tribute to her guru by performing superbly in the pada-varnam by Muthuswami Dikshitar. I was deeply moved by her expression in padam “Mughatai katti”.